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Employment Services:

Providing individualized services, designed to give persons with disabilities the opportunity to obtain and sustain competitive employment with businesses in the community. These services can be funded through the ID waiver, BI waiver, Habilitation waiver, and Vocational Rehabilitation. Employment services are offered in the communities of Albia, Bloomfield, Centerville, Fairfield, Oskaloosa, Ottumwa, and Sigourney.

Cassie's Story

Video by The Creative

Small Group Employment

Offered to individuals, actively seeking competitive employment, in a group setting of 2-8 people.


Job Development

Designed for individuals who would like to obtain competitive employment in the community. Work closely with Employment Training Specialist to develop skills and match job opportunities.


Job Coaching and Follow-Along

Employment Training Specialist will work one-on-one with individuals to help learn and maintain skills to perform the job duties as outlined by the employer.


Community-Based Assessment

Employment Training Specialist will assess an individual’s work skills and habits during a one-on-one evaluation. The evaluations are designed based on an individual's interests, skills, and work habits.


Retail Services

First Resources owns and operates the "Second Time Around" thrift store in Centerville.  This service provides transferable skill building opportunities for people with disabilities.  Clients are responsible to assist with sorting, pricing, hanging/folding, and selling all donated goods. All proceeds are reinvested to benefit FRC's mission.



Courtney's Story

Video by The Creative

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