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Intensive Residential Service Home (IRSH)

Currently the following IRSH programs are at full capacity and not accepting new referrals:

  • Ottumwa Female IRSH

  • Burlington Male IRSH

If you have any questions, please contact us at

What is IRSH?

FRC’s Intensive Residential Services serves individuals over the age of 18, who have a diagnosis of severe and persistent mental illness and co-occurring conditions (diagnosed SPMI & SUD or SPMI & ID), in conjunction with functional impairments. Services are provided 24/7/365 and have multiple staff per shift. This service is intended to be short-term and intensive in nature, with the goal of working diligently on the individuals’ goals in order to successfully partner with them to transition to a lower level of care.


Our Intensive Residential Services Home is located in Burlington, IA. It is a co-ed, 4-bedroom home located within the community. Individuals that access this service, must have secure funding through their Medicaid Insurance or Mental Health & Disability Region in the form of Intellectual Disability (ID) Waiver or Habilitation Services.  Referrals may be sent in by the individuals Case Manager, Care Coordinator, or Regional Coordinator.

Inquiring and Referrals:

Before a referral is fully screened, the following items must be available and sent together, in one correspondence:

  • Intensive Residential Services Application.

  • Diagnostic Records to include evidence of diagnosis of a Severe Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI) or multi-occurring conditions.

  • Authorization showing the highest rate of home-based habilitation or the highest rate of HCBS intellectual disability waiver supported community living:

    • ​Habilitation - LOCUS Tier 6.​​

    • Intellectual Disability Waiver - Confirmation the individual is a Tier 6.

  • Standardized functional assessment and screening for multi-occurring conditions completed 30 days or less prior to the IRSH application:

    • Habilitation - Comprehensive Assessment & Social History (CASH).​

    • Intellectual Disability Waiver - SIS-A or OYA.


Referrals should be emailed to:


Once a full referral is received, we will provide a response within one business day to the referring party.


Burlington, IA

Phone: 641-682-8114

Fax: 319-205-1004

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